
Interpreter Equipment

Universal Translation Services is one of the largely known market leaders in the field of facilitating Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment for the purpose of conferences, workshops & events happening in Abu Dhabi and all across the United Arab Emirates.

Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment is deployed to break the language barriers among large no. of audience & presenters by the help of our highly professional & qualified team of language interpreters who are supposed to translate the language of speakers into the language of audience with the same accuracy, standard, perfection and flow of the speakers, while the interpreter remains seated within a soundproof translation booth specifically during the course of speeches, where the interpreter is supposed to wear interpreting headsets to receive the messages of speakers or presenters and translating / interpreting such messages to the audience through the interpreter desk.

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In the Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment,  we provide audience with industry standard headsets & multi-channel receivers which help them to choose the channel to hear the interpretation in their own native language especially if there is a multilingual audience in the event and there are more than 1 language pairs combination, multi-channel receiver helps you to choose the channel of your language.

For example, most of your audience is English speaking whereas the presenter/audience on the stage is a Korean speaker and intends to give speeches only in Korean language instead to speech in English. In this case, the native English audience will find quite hard to understand him or her in Korean language in fact they won’t be able to understand him or her at all which will make your event useless and all your investment can go in vain. So in order to assist the audience to listen in English by means of headsets and receivers which are fully integrated with the whole sound system and the audience is directly connected with the interpreter through the headsets and receivers and whatever interpreter listens to the presenter , he or she makes the job easy for the audience by translating those speeches in English and make their presence fully meaningful and effective.

In addition, we have high frequency radiators to have complete control on internal signals between the three cornerstones of the conference. Therefore, our installed system guarantees no interruption, discomfort and hearing & listening issues for interpreters and audiences due to our commitment in the provision of state-of-the-art technology to our reputed client and makes their precious investment completely priceless.

Ultimately, our CCU & Transmitter is a complete turnkey solution to integrate and configure the complete setup in line with the industry standard at your venue & you shall not feel any hassle throughout the event process. Our state-of-the-art equipment are having great connectivity with all kinds of sound systems and hotel internal technology.

If you are looking for simultaneous interpretation equipment on rental basis , please feel free to approach us anytime at ( [email protected])

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